I kept telling myself and E this past week that everything will work out and we will get a BFP! I drank pineapple juice like crazy!!!! I wanted to recap on the significance of the pineapple again so that it is not just a random quote that pops up here and there. I explained it to my dad like an old wives tale that E and A began as tradition for themselves before/during their pregnancy attempt and egg retrieval. E would eat pineapple all day everyday in hopes for a healthy pregnancy/embryo retrieval. It was so sweet and my heart melted when they brought me pineapple the day of the embryo transfer. I think it is so important to make this experience as much about them as possible and if I can do something small (like eat pineapple) as they would have done during their own pregnancy then I want to do that! She e-mailed me, "We did it! Your excitement makes me cry...you have no idea what you mean to us" I responded, "I absolutely know what I mean to you! That is why I wanted to do this in the first place! What an awesome feeling! You cannot explain this feeling and longing to help in a surrogate interview, lol. It's definitely like nothing else!"
E and I have been making each other laugh all week with random one word/sentence e-mails--Butterflies...Diarrhea (due to her stomach being in knots from the 10 day wait!)...Pineapple Juice!...Eeeeeeeeeek ....OMG I can't believe it's hours away! Yeah, that pretty much covers it, lol!
I woke up bright and early to go get my blood work done -- Locally This Time! The male nurse would not stop talking and talking and talking about anything and everything. The only thing I was thinking was hurry the heck up and draw my blood already! I just want to know if we are pregnant or not, HELLO! (: Oh Jeez, I'm blaming the hormones but I smiled and listened to all his rambling. (hope he doesn't read this, lol) He took my blood and said it would be about 2 hours to hear the results, they were going to fax the results to the Illinois clinic and the clinic would call with the results.
I went home and laid down for about an hour thinking that would make the time fly by faster and it did not! E e-mailed me that she was anxious and just ready to hear the news and I just waited and waited for the call. Finally about 4 hours later we got the phone call... Beta HCG results - PREGNANT! My beta levels came back at 286 which is great! The clinic said they are looking for them to be above 25 so I think we definitely exceeded that! I have my next beta level taken on Thursday October 25th. As long as the numbers are rising (hopefully doubling) then we are in great shape!!!! How Exciting!!!!! I am beyond ecstatic and I immediately e-mailed E and sent her texts wondering if she got the call yet. We both are sooooooo happy and we are hoping for the best on Thursday! Nothing but great vibes running through my body!!!! I looked in the mirror this morning and my complexion was flawless! Maybe I'm making it up but I feel perfectly pregnant!
Our Latest Photo (; See The Glow?? Yes!!!
E and I have a good connection and we will be going through so much in the next 9 months. I look forward to all the great memories and fun conversations with her and it makes me truly understand why it is hard to say goodbye after the baby(ies) come. Not necessarily to the baby(ies) but to the experience and to our journey. I look forward to all the e-mails, phone calls, and crazy pregnant venting that her and I will do. (:
Ben was right there when we got the great BFP news, I explained to him the beta level and my number 286. Then I started going over the don't requirement list: Continue the same medication calendar, no exercise, hot tubs, heavy lifting, or Dun Dun Dun ..... "intercourse", I said quietly. Obviously he wasn't over the top happy about that restriction! Uh Oh! No, that was an understatement, he really really really is not happy about that detail. It will be okay darling is pretty much how that was handled. Of course he is thrilled about the positive result but as a man he jokes about the restricted sexual aspect of things. Soon enough love! (: (Maybe this was a little too much? Well, that is what this is all about, being open and honest)
I will let you know how Thursday goes! Positively Perfect is what is expected!