Friday, October 5, 2012

1 week & Counting!!!!!!!!!!

This week has gone by so darn fast and no matter what I did I couldn't seem to find the time to get this blog update written. I had a paper due this week in my Literature class that was completely stressing me out but finally I have it finished and I can relax a little. Our last appointment was this past Monday October, 1st. The drive to Chicago seems to get shorter and shorter and go by much quicker but it could be that we don't get lost anymore, Ha! We definitely remember to fill up on gas the night before so that we didn't have to make any emergency stops in the ghetto. This time Ben and I slept fairly well the night before so we weren't dragging along all day. We had great conversations and busted a few moves together listening to the radio throughout the drive. It was one of our best trips yet and I am anxious to go back.

The appointment went well as expected and was about a half hour long instead of a 5 minute quickie. The people there are always so nice and make me feel completely comfortable and welcome. I received the phone call from Nurse C later Monday afternoon saying that my blood work came back great and that my uterine lining was at 14mm. At first I had no idea what that meant or if it was good or bad but she sounded excited telling me so it had to be good. I then began looking it up online what my lining should be at and I read several sites stating that anything over an 8 was amazing. Holy Moly! If I need to be at least an 8 then a 14 is extra fluffy and comfy for that little embie to be! (:

Medications: I stop taking the Lupron injections in 2 days so no more belly shots! Now I am up to 4 patches on continuously which are changed every other day. If at our next appointment my body is at the exact levels the clinic wants them to be then I will stop Lupron on Monday and begin taking Progesterone in Oil injections which I will further explain next time :) All I can say now is I am deathly afraid of starting these shots :/

If all goes well and I am given the okay to start on Progesterone then we will be having our frozen embryo transfer (FET) on Saturday the 13th! Just 1 more week and we could possibly be PREGNANT! Yayyy!!!

Next appointment is on Monday October 8th for another baseline ultrasound and blood work check up.

How am I feeling on the medications: I haven't been getting headaches like before but it has been hard for me to focus and remember things for some reason. I feel very tired especially in the evening but I'm sure it's just my body accepting the changes it's going through. Other than that I feel like my happy, positive, upbeat self and very excited for our transfer day!!!

I will update everyone much quicker after this next appointment as things are going to be coming up fast! I can't believe we have one more week left! Then 10 days after the transfer we will find out the results and hoping for a BFP ----> Big Fat Positive!

:) Thank you for all your support!

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