Saturday, April 13, 2013

11 Weeks Until Delivery!!!!

A quick new post as promised!!!! Soooo I already see a couple things I missed in the last post that were pretty funny so I'm going to recap for a minute. When we all sat down at the cafe for lunch I forgot to mention how the ordering went. This deserves a BIG Laugh Out Loud! Ben ordered some type of hobo breakfast skillet while E & A shared an egg white omelet with everything healthy imaginable in it and here I am looking up from the menu.....Cheeseburger! hahaha! Oh Goodness, Can you tell which one is pregnant and picky?! Next recap is the milkway situation we encountered at the OB office. Ben and I boarded the train to leave Chicago and when we settled in he pulled out the milkways that E tried to give me previously! OMG! That sneaky little lady got my husband in on stashing those milkways for me to have and YES they were gone before we left Chicago, hahahaha! Good thing they were just mini ones! I had to send her a text telling her she was in big trouble! (: I love our relationship!
                                                                                                       28 1/2 Weeks!
We had our 28 week appointment Tuesday for a two week check up and glucose testing. I did the normal pee in a cup routine and hopped on the scale. Ugh what a drag! I have been having major cravings this pregnancy and as much as I have behaved, I have also wandered if you will. Up 18 pounds so in 2 months I gained 10 more pounds. Ouch!!!! I am going to have to be very very good the remainder of this pregnancy to meet my under 30 goal. Only 12 weeks to go so I'm hoping for 1/2 pound a week or so. My blood pressure is great at 115/70 and baby 17's heartbeat is in the 140's (just like Ava's was!!) Maybe a girl???!

When this appointment was made I wasn't informed that I was supposed to wait around for an hour after to have my blood drawn (or maybe the baby brain set in and I forgot). I was scheduled to work at 10:45 when I needed to get blood work done at 11:05, yikes! I called around to co-workers to get someone to cover me until I could get there but before I heard a response I just drove the less than a mile distance, opened the restaurant, and then when my co-worker showed up took off quickly back to the hospital. There was a lot of running around for me that's for sure. When I got back to the hospital there was OF COURSE no parking so up to the very top of the parking garage I go! Walked down 5 flights of stairs and then afterward back up 5 flights of stairs. Wooooo Hooooo this girl is out of shape! I did pull off the walking up the stairs and texting at the same time though, bad bad bad!!! I kept telling myself not to fall as I slowly made my way up each step and texting E about the appointment. I haven't heard the glucose results yet so we will wait to see. I'm sure everything is perfect!

We will only have 2 more appointments in MI and then we are Chicago bound for the duration of the pregnancy! I never thought I would be saying that already but like I said, time is just flying by. That brings us to our delivery plans!!!!! I will begin going to Chicago for appointments starting our 34th week (May 22nd) and then we will have another OB check-up June 5th for our 36 week appointment. We are going to alternate doctors for every appointment in Chicago so that we see each doctor in the office. This is a precaution in case Dr. M isn't available when 17 decides to make their appearance. I think it is great we get to become familiar with each possible delivering OB and it makes me soooooo much more comfortable about going to a new place. From 36 weeks on we will begin appointment weekly instead of biweekly and E & A will be going to all of the Chicago appointments which will be an exciting change from what I've been used to in Michigan (going alone).

Dr. M discussed our options for delivery and told us that she would be willing to induce as early as week 39 if my body shows signs of being ready (dilating, contractions, 17's position). We all agreed that we like that option best so that we can try to plan 17's arrival as much as possible. Also, depending on the appointments for week 34 and 36 (great blood pressure and  no signs of labor) I will be relocating to Chicago around week 37. I will be staying in an apartment only 1 block away from E & A and Ava will be going down with me for the 2-3 weeks. David will also be coming down to stay for week 38 :) We are all very excited for a little vacation. Unfortunately Ben will not be able to take the time off work so he will be joining us on his days off each week as we are going to attempt to schedule all his days off in a row. The light at the end of the tunnel is officially Friday, June 28th! We will be scheduled for an induction if all things go as planned and if not then we will be on 17's time frame. :) Oh it is so strange to know a date that E & A will hold their new edition!

Dr. M completely took all my worries away with being induced as I was induced with Ava and had a horrible experience. I was very reluctant to the idea at first because I really wanted to just go into labor on my own but I think this will be for best for all of us. The hospital we are delivering at is an all women's hospital that is always fully staffed and prepared for any type of situation imaginable so that I will never be on hold because another emergency came up. I have been promised that this is the best of the best hospitals and that I will get the most incredible care possible. It is interesting because I  feel like I am getting better care with 17 not being my child than I did with my own. It is good to know I will be in good hands (:

Sleep - I've been tossing and turning this past week a lot! I wake up to every little noise but I'm only up to pee once a night. Poor Ben has to feel like he has an inch of space as I hog the bed in my crazy positions. ha! For some reason the most comfortable sleep position in on my left side with my legs straight out in front of me.

Cravings - I just feel soooooo hungry all the time!!! I feel like I never get full but I've been working on mind over matter. I always have to eat breakfast and I am now doing the Special K protein cereal in the mornings which actually makes me feel pretty satisfied. I have been skipping lunch because I work during that time so I have a small snack afterward to get me by until dinner. My problems are the late night cravings for anything sweet! The sour jolly ranger chews, 100 calorie pack blond brownies, ice-cream, slushys, tablespoon of frosting, hahaha okay I know it is beginning to get ridiculous.

Body Changes - You have seen the photo for proof that 17 is growing like crazy and weighs around 3-4 pounds at this point. I am smaller than I was with Ava at this point as far as weight gain so my belly looks big but I can still see my ribs and hip bones when I lean to the side, OH YA! My belly button is fully popped out officially, my hands are slightly swollen (but only by a 1/2 ring size), and my veins are big and unattractive from the blood flow working extra hard. I have no swelling in my ankles which is beautiful news to me so far because you could no longer see my leg formation I had so much water retention with Ava. I am not yet experiencing any random shooting pain down my leg or pelvic area from 17 kicking or laying on nerves. It seemed like my first pregnancy was full of those experiences along with charlie horses in my calves at night. So far nothing to complain about except a slight heavy feeling and my body going to sleep at random times in my arms, legs, and back. I do have a swollen lymph node in my pelvic area on the one side though so I start feeling pressure and discomfort after running around all day at work and with the kids.

Mood - I did say I was 28 weeks pregnant right? hehehe The mood seems to change a lot but not too hot and cold (says myself) :) I'm feeling motivation and happy but at the same time impatient and feisty. It has been a pattern lately with me not to think before I just blurt out my thoughts especially at work with my co-workers who I'm comfortable with (And some regular guests I might add...Okay maybe just one particular guest) I will refer to this guest as Mr. Grumpy Pants (nickname from muah) He has been coming in for years Monday through Friday mid-mornings so I've come to know him well. He doesn't take a lot of crap from others, always has something to complain about, and is very old in his ways of the role of a woman. He is constantly pestering me about getting in the kitchen, rattling pans, letting my husband take naps (but no naps for me builds character), etc. Just a plain ole ass sometimes, haha! I don't ever take him seriously and since this pregnancy I give his crap right back to him. My co-worker E thinks 17 is making me mean and here may be an example why, Tuesday I walked into work and there sits Mr. Grumpy Pants! I barely get 5 steps and he started on me ranting and raving, "Finally crawling out of bed and showing up for work, yada yada yada" (7am is not an early enough time for me to wake up) and before he could get the full sentence out I blurt out, "Shut the F*** Up". Not too loud and mostly in a cute high pitched tone but holy goodness did he start dying laughing, along with my co-workers E and D. Absolutely hilarious and random! They all told me (even him) that I need to stay pregnant because my behavior is hysterical. I wasn't going to admit this side of my mood but it seems appropriate because not being pregnant I am always very courteous to anything I say and wouldn't think to blurt out such a thing. Shame on me! I think at this point in the pregnancy 17 is sucking all the kindness out of me and keeping me real, lol.

I am working on the next post already and it is half way done so not to much longer of a wait :) This will finally be about the opposing views for what Ben and I are doing in our surrogacy journey and the amazing future plans for E, A, and the Buczynski family. :) I have to end this next post with something positive.


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