I went into the ultrasound appointment with all positive thoughts. I knew things must be going well if I was starting to feel this BLAH! I sat for a while in the waiting area, by myself, and every minute that went by I got a little more nervous. I could hear the television in the background talking about whooping cough and how important it is to be informed about it and then the topic changed to infertility discussing a specialist in New York and the new egg freezing technique so that woman can manipulate their biological clocks. This clearly got me interested because 5 minutes past in a blink. I think it is amazing how technology has came along and that there are doctors dedicated to helping women (families) have children. This technique enables a working woman to freeze her eggs at a younger age and use them when she is ready meaning her eggs are higher grade staying at her young age even though she has gotten older. This is like freezing time and giving women the option of choosing a career without the worry of infertility after a certain age (to an extent). Very Interesting!
I was called back, FINALLY, It was just minutes and I was looking at E and A's little miracle again. Baby is a sneaky little thing and likes to hide but we ended up getting a good photo to share. Baby is so comfortable it is measuring 3 days ahead at 8 weeks 3 days with a STRONG heartbeat of 173! WOW!!! I was a little worried after discontinuing the injections but my body has taken over and is providing what this little precious needs. It makes me feel great that I am completely taking to this entire process and actually able to help E and A have a baby! It is finally sinking in as I believe it is for them as well.
Can you believe how big baby looks compared to the last two weeks? So Neat!!! Head to the left...Less and less space in that little sac, it's about to get tight in there ;)
Thanks for reading our super short post this week, it is waaaayyyyy past this old woman's bed time, hehehe :)
p.s. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone eats a ton of amazing food and I hope I have the appetite too (:
Love Love Love!!!!
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