As things have calmed down for me these past few weeks with getting the relief of a BFP but it has not exactly been the same for E & A. They have been very nervous, anxious, and just emotionally drained because of all their previous disappointments they have had to go through to get to where we all are today. I don't think it has really sunk in yet for them that they have a baby on the way but how could it for anyone? They have been so strong through these hard times and it has to be difficult for them to think they are just getting their hopes up again only to have another disappointment. Every appointment/ultrasound we have I see a change in E's responses. I can hear the tone that she wants to be excited but the next appointment will give her just a little more relief. After these first initial ultrasounds all confirm that baby is comfortable and growing as it should then they can finally relax a little. I can't wait for them to blurt out to the world that they have a baby on the way and get all the attention expecting parents deserve! This is a completely different way of doing things and instead of being there everyday feeling the baby grow and move, they are living their lives as if nothing has changed. E and I are in the same situation but the experience for each of us is completely opposite. To break it down and really think about E doesn't carry the baby, go to all the appointments, have the crazy hormonal changes, or have any restrictions. I don't have to plan a nursery, wake up every 2 hours to a newborn, and even though my life routine has changed for now, it will all go back to normal in 7 months.
I say it will all go back to normal but this journey has already change my life. I am much more conscious about infertility and have sooooo much sympathy for those families. I look at my children differently and realize how blessed I am to have a little part of me in them. I will raise them to be thankful everyday for what we have and to not get down when things don't always go the way we plan. People everyday go through terrible situation but sometimes there are other ways to get the things we desire. E & A had to be patient, think outside the normal, and just have faith that amazing things can happen for them even if it hasn't seemed that way thus far.
Our 2nd ultrasound was yesterday at 10am and I went alone this time because I knew it wasn't going to take long. As soon as it was in place I could immediately see how much their baby had already grown! The little heartbeat last week was 111 and this week it was all the way up to 148, woooooo hoooo strong little love bug! It was so neat to see the little blob forming slowly into a little person and you will know what I mean looking at this photo! Soooooo Coooool!

If you look closely their baby's head is down, the two little arms are coming right out from under, and the two little legs look slightly separated. If you look at it upside down it looks little a tiny human standing in my uterus! So Neat! This has to be one of the best first photos ever! Of course I took this picture before I was even out of the medical room and sent it right to E. Her response, "Love!!!" See, the responses get better and better and I think she is coming around to this being more real of an experience. I am going to do something special for E & A so that they have the chance to feel like expecting parents and that this isn't about just me and the baby. I will let you know when it is finished ;)
With that good news I have even more good news, the fertility clinic called telling us the ultrasound results looked wonderful and I am officially off the booty shots! yayyyy! I will be continuing the prenatal vitamins, baby aspirin, suppositories, and 2 estrogen patches every other day until I am told otherwise. Let me just tell you though, whether this is WTMI or not, I CAN'T WAIT FOR NO MORE SUPPOSITORIES! Those awful little pills are gross and 3x a day (uuukkk) They are placed pretty far back near the cervix but being a waitress I move around and my body heat causes them to melt. Usually I'm at work and I get a gush feeling
(ladies: like you just started your period and weren't expecting it for a day or so) GROSS!!!! So my daily routine has consisted of many panty liners and wipe downs, ugh! Again, I can't wait for those to be crossed right off the medication list! Check!
I'll leave you on that note and will update you on next weeks ultrasound appointment, Tuesday November 20th at 12pm. (:
p.s. I found this awesome little baby tracker growth progress app that I will be adding to the right column today, you can hear a heartbeat and turn a little light on the baby, CUTE!
Love Love Love,
lol i hated the suppositories too, i had to do the same thing! but i also had to do the shots until 9-10 weeks of pregnancy
I think it is hard for people to comprehend the hearbreak of fertility issues until they've been through it themselves or lived through it with a close relative. What you are doing is amazing!!! Even to hear some people say "Oh, we 'tried' for 3 months before we got pregnant." Well...maybe so but not the same as those families who try for years but never that is some trying!! :) Thank God for people like you who are willing to help make a dream a reality! God Bless You Chelsea...and that little bun in the oven! :)
ReplyDeleteComments such as these and the huge amount of support we all have is what makes it all doable. We are all one anothers strength and support system and I wouldn't have it any other way. There are so many deserving families who do everything they can to have a family and I am lucky to be apart of this one families journey. This will change my life forever and I would do it a thousand times over!