We will be doing a frozen embryo transfer (FET) which means that the eggs have already been retrieved from E and frozen by their fertility clinic. They will thaw the embryos1-3 days prior to our transfer day and fertilize the 2 best embryos to be placed. I'm not exact on all the details yet but when the transfer day gets closer I will know more. The embryos will be placed in my uterus using a 3D ultrasound and catheter. Our F Dr. told us that the actual transfer takes less than a couple minutes and the rest my body will do. I just hope my body works well with the embryos and doesn't reject them ::fingers crossed! I will do all I can to keep these little embies safe, avoid stressful situations, heavy lifting, long hours at work, and rest as much as possible until a pregnancy is confirmed.
How Am I Feeling!? Better than I thought I would be feeling but that's not to say I don't have my days. I never ever get headaches and I have been getting them this past week. I also had a couple nights of feeling very light headed so I went to lay down and felt better after. I'm not sure if it is from the Lupron or the Estrogen but at least it is only every so often and not all day every day. I am getting very used to the shots and the best advice I could have received is when E told me to take as little time preparing for the shots so that I am not thinking about it for a long period. I literally have my preparation and shot done in less than a minute now and glad to say NO MORE MR. ICE PACK ;0 Ha! I have had a few small bruises on the right side of my belly but anytime I give the shot on my left it never bruises so I have been doing it on my left mostly. The patches are super easy but after being on for 2 days at a time they become sticky like a band aid and then I have to scrub the heck out of my skin to get it off. ::Ick.
I have had long conversation with many people about our journey so far and mostly everyone is super excited with lots of questions. My mom talks about it to co-workers and close friends/family and gets a lot of random reactions about it but I like hearing all of the opinions and how she deals with partial negativity. There were a few ladies who didn't understand why or how I got into being a surrogate and my mom seriously made me cry when she told me her response.
She started out by saying "Now Listen!" (love that by the way) She explained "If you knew my daughter, you would realize that she has been this type of person since the day she was born. She loves helping others and her whole entire life goal was to make a difference for people hence the reason her going to school for Physical Therapy. She has always put others before herself even as a middle school student. My husband and I always expected the unexpected with Chelsea but if she ever came to us with something she wanted to pursue she always went through and accomplished it. One day in middle school, Chelsea came home and wanted to have a serious conversation with me so we sat down and she began discussing that one of her best friend's moms had kidney failure and was on dialysis. You could see the look in her eyes that she was desperate to help her friend's mom so she continued on sayig that I was a very healthy mom with 2 kidneys and that I should give one of my kidneys to this woman. Chelsea could not imagine a girl having to grow up without her mom because she had such a healthy mom. (You could only imagine the thoughts running through my mother's head as I suggested this) I didn't remember this so as my mom was telling me this story everything made sense and it reinforced my decision to become a surrogate even more. This is what I was meant to do and my life has been full of trying to make a difference so I will continue to do that.
After telling this to those people who reacted indifferently they said, "Wow!, what a blessing your daughter is creating!" She is such a proud mom and supports me no matter whether she understands or not. She knows that when I set my mind to something that there isn't questioning whether I am ready for it or not because I am always ready to help others no matter what. This makes me such a proud daughter and blessed to have a great supportive family. No one can be emotionally prepared for something they have not been through and no one can judge how I will react emotionally going through this journey. How others may feel or react does not pertain to myself and I am going into this knowing the amazing thing that will happen in the end so I will absolutely not have any regrets. I understand the idea of being worried for me but I am great, I feel great, and I am doing a great thing and I could never regret that. My mom started going to college for the first time at age 41 and gave me the news a few days ago that she wants to write her college paper on our surrogacy journey, about the process, and her prospective. What a wonderful gift! It makes me happy that more people will be further educated on the modern family and how acceptable it is becoming.
Next appointments October 1st and October 8th for ultrasound and blood work. Transfer October 13th! My heart is pounding fast I am so excited! Eeek!