Our 34 week appointment went great as expected so we waited to come down again until the 36th week appointment which was this past Wednesday the 5th. Ben and I drove into town and met with E for the appointment. Gosh it was so nice to see her and have her there. I was so thankful my husband was able to come down with me too since work has been so tight on having time off lately. We were able to talk with E while waiting to go into see our OB so catching up in person was great!
First things first, the weight check, ugh I dread this part! I am up 26 pounds with baby 17 but I am so happy with that! I feel great and I feel like I look great so that is all that matters. Baby 17 has been extremely well taken care of and I've been a happy surro mommy feeding my sweet cravings little by little so all is well. 17's heartbeat is super strong and we all witnessed how eager 17 is to see mom and dad (E &A). As soon as the monitor went on the belly 17 was very excited and E was able to see how active her little angel was, kicking that monitor and shifting positions, whew!
Everything is going according to plan so far, I am still scheduled to be induced Friday, June 28th and my body is already showing small signs that it is getting closer to delivery time. I am dilated to a 1 1/2 and 50% effaced. It doesn't seem like much but I was full term with Ava and still at nothing all around so I take this as good progress :) They say your second delivery is easier and quicker but I think it is because I know what to expect now and with having one child my body is familiar with the process. Our OB said that we can't tell from the dilation when I will go into labor because many women go 3-5 centimeters for weeks before giving birth. Oh Goodness. At least we have a date in case I do not go into labor on my own so June 28th it is and we are all happy with that!
After the appointment Ben and I took a nice walk with E around the neighborhood. She wanted to show us where I'd be staying to get us a little familiar with the move before it just happens. Everything was perfect, the neighborhood is unbelievable and extremely safe feeling, there are soooo many things to see with us being just blocks from the E & A, the hospital, Lake MI, and the Magnificent Mile. The are all about making us feel comfortable with our surroundings considering this is a brand new lifestyle Ava and I are taking on for the next few weeks.
This has been the busiest and craziest time that I could have ever imagined possible. Ben and I finally bought a house and moved in the end of May. We had all the stress of moving while still working and having the kids, it was just overwhelming. Then we had to try to prepare for my move down to Chicago the very next week after the move so you can only imagine how much more that put on my shoulders. I was so excited to finally be able to settle into our new home and then I had pack again to move to another temporary home. It has been quite emotional if I am to be honest. I was more concerned with Ava being moved back and forth confusing her but I know she will adjust in time like mommy will. Now that I'm here I think the hardest part is her saying DaDa all the time and of course her looking just like him doesn't help me not to think about him 24/7. Of course it has only been 2 days so far (Oh Goodness I hate saying that because there is at least a week more before we see him if not longer) but it seems like forever since our goodbyes weren't the best. We both ended up being so sick the couple days before the Chicago move so we were absolutely miserable and it doesn't feel like we had a proper goodbye. Ben is having to stay back in MI due to work hours and being short handed so we weren't exactly set up in the position we thought we would be in. I do miss him like crazy but it seems he has decided to surprise me with an earlier remodel of the house than expected. He sent me photos are our dining room and holy goodness was I shocked. He has the whole thing tore apart and is starting the huge project while Ava and I are away so that it is finished by the time we get back. He is the best husband ;) He will be down for delivery though no matter what so that is a huge sigh of relief because I cannot do this without him. He has been there with me through all of this, he is my rock.
E & A are getting soooooooo excited!!! They can't wait for baby 17 to arrive a we can all only imagine. They are also feeling overwhelmed with things as they plan for 17 to be born and on top of that making an out of state move to Michigan within just a couple weeks after the birth. They will be moving closer to their family and closer to us which is always a plus :)
I will continue more tomorrow but 17 is shifting like crazy so it is time for me to lay down and call it a night :) Sleeping well besides the normal nightly peeing and waking up with hot flashes the past couple nights but could just be the nerves. It will get better, Ava and I are already making our way around much easier than Saturday. I'm sure there is soooo much I missed but I will recap as promised ;)
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