This past week my husband was able to bring our son down to spend the week. Unfortunately Ben was only able to stay for the 1/2 day and he had to get back on the train to Michigan. It has been a very emotional experience being away from him this long. We talk, text, send photos everyday but still only seeing him once in 3 weeks has been difficult. I'd be lying if I said I was completely happy and fully having a good time. I really miss my family being together and this has been a huge sacrifice but in the end I can't imagine E & A not being around for this home stretch. I've cried, I've laughed, I've been caught in 2 down pour rain storms with Ava, I've relaxed, and I've realized why I am a surrogate in the first place. Family is the number one most important thing to me and if that meant to give up a small amount of time with mine to give E & A what they have only dreamed of then that alone is worth it. Ha, now I'm crying again. Oh Jeez!

Our son spent the week here with me and my mom was able to get time off work to join us as well so that made things go by a little quicker. We were able to do and see a lot of things with the kids like the navy pier, fireworks, the beach, the pool, the mall, the magnificent mile, tons of buildings and shops to look at, ohhh and a lot more walking!
My favorite moments during this trip is really enjoying the small things. I haven't had to worry about everyday routines, laundry, huge cleaning lists, school, work, bills, etc. This has given me sooo much time to really get to know my daughter, to love on her, to teach her new things, and to really dedicate my focus on her. She has changed so much in just a few weeks and it is nice that I'm actually able to see the changes instead of time clashing by in our busy daily lives. It has just made me really appreciate my time with her and to stop to enjoy the kid's younger years because they fly by.
It has been so strange counting down the days until delivery because we had just been going week by week. The last few days Ava and I have really just stayed in and relaxed considering I knew I'd be going into labor and didn't actually need the extra walking to get things going. Sounds lazy huh!? lol I had the apartment all packed up by Wednesday the 26th including my hospital bag. It was a little strange not packing for a baby to come home so I wasn't sure what to take at first. I soon got it figured out and just packed anything that I knew would make me feel comfortable. Comfort is the key! I've been having small sharp pains in my pelvic area which have just meant that 17 is getting lower and about ready to come. Some of those pains make me almost fall to the floor they are so out of the blue and hard. I figure for having such an easy pregnancy that a handful of pains is well worth it.
Our last appointment at 39 weeks was Tuesday the 25th. Ava and I were up bright and early so I could get her to the nanny then E and I took off for yet another long OB wait. Dilated to a 2 and cervix was very very thin so that is wonderful news. It means that inducing me is a favorable option for my body. Baby's head in still down and they are guessing weight at the mid 7 range. Things have felt comfortable being around E more, so much that we both agree that people look at us as the lesbian couple in the waiting room ;) Hilarious conversations we have. I don't think I have yet discussed the "nanny" which could have thrown a lot of you off, haha. (as it did me if I might add) E & A insisted to have someone here with me to help with Ava and to be with her during our scheduled appointments. Ava took to her pretty well although she shows her more attitude than anything. Anytime Maymee (what Ava calls the nanny) comes around she will look at her and give her a shout like "back away from me woman!" It really is too funny.
I'd say in a way yes Maymee has been helpful but mostly I think she just gets on my nerves, lol. I am an active person and she babies me to not bend over or push the stroller, etc. Pretty annoying so the last couple days I didn't even have her come over. She wants to go for walks with us daily which was funny because at first she wasn't keeping up with my pace and then you could tell the further along I got because here I was slower than Maymee's pace, lol. I must say that it has been very strange having someone else try to take care of me when normally I am the one taking care of everyone else. It has been nice not doing my own laundry for a few weeks, ha! I better get off fantasy land because I will be back at it again in a few days.
Our last two OB appointments we have met the last couple OB's that could potentially deliver 17 if need be and let me tell you E and I fell in love. It was like a strange female crush from the moment they walked in. Our OB is amazing don't get me wrong BUT this OB was gorgeous and just had a way of making you feel great about the experience. Loved Her! They planned the induction for Friday the 28th at 3:30a.m. which had me stressed out at first. I just wanted to make sure that Ben and my family were here in time and I knew they couldn't leave Michigan until 1a.m. after Ben got out of work. I decided to not think of the tiny details and just relax but the normal Chelsea would be crazy about the plans not being exactly how they were supposed to be. Yes, I let go and just went with things for once ;)
Next post is labor and delivery (which I am in right now as I type) haha ... E said I can't even relax while I am about to give birth, Oh Jeez. Well, the OB just came in and said things are looking amazing and she is impressed with me so that is going to sum things up until the next post!