Tuesday, August 14, 2012

All or Nothing - Part 2!

To determine whether we would be able to move forward with our surrogacy journey, we were required to take a psychological test. This test was almost 300 questions and random they were to say the least. True or False "Do you feel people try to rob you?", "Do you hear voices?", "Are you afraid of windstorms?", "Do you want to be a Nascar driver?" Hmmmm...

I just can not imagine some of the people who have tried becoming surrogates and truly are psychologically damaged. It makes me feel good that one less couple in the world (E and A, our IP's) have the risk of having a less than competent woman carrying their child. That is such a scary thing and I can't imagine being on the other end of this experience. I feel that there is much more for E and A to worry about than us including trusting us to take the best care of their baby while they can't always be there. I loved the most being able to hear Ava's heartbeat in a instant by getting out our at home heart beat monitor, feeling her all day everyday knowing that she is still moving, and having my own peace of mind about the nutrient intake she had. This was all because I could carry her myself and I can't begin to put myself in E and A's position not having that luxury. It makes me cherish those small things and not take anything for granted because to some people those small things are EVERYTHING!

Another important thing we had to go over with Nurse M was the medication list I will have to take until I am around 12 weeks of pregnancy. I will be required to take 9 medications ranging from patches, pills, injections, to suppositories. I have strict charts I have to follow telling me which medication to take and when to take them. Right now I am able to decide whether I want to take them in the morning or in the evening but once I start I have to keep taking them the same time everyday because they are on a 24 hour timeline. It was definitely a lot to take in at one time learning what each medication is for and exact how to administer each. I'm sure once I have things written down the routine will come naturally. It is a good thing I am so organized already because it will take a little routine altering but I have faith it will work out just fine.

MEDICATIONS!? I have gotten a lot of questions about the medication aspect of our journey which has kind of caught me off guard. Many people had no idea that medication would need to be taken and are confused why I have to take so many things so strictly. To everyone inquiring about this, here is your answer. The easiest way to explain this is each medication serves a purpose in manipulating my body into thinking that I am actually pregnant. The F. Dr. is unable to place embryos into my body as is because my body will reject the unknown if it is not prepared to be pregnant. This means that my entire cycle has to be lined up with the F. Dr's. transfer cycles. I will take medications that will provide my body with the right hormones, lining of my uterus, vitamins, and antibiotics. It seems a little excessive all written on paper but every medication has a purpose and in the end will provide an even better home for a baby then I could do on my own. When do we start our med cycle? As soon as the legal side of this is all said and signed we will begin. We are thinking that should be taken care of in the next couple weeks leaving us with a transfer date of....drum roll please......October 13th! We will have at least 4 more visits to the city before the actual transfer day. Each visit will consist of blood work and ultrasound to keep track of my body's progress.

I'm feeling great! It is so weird for me to say that I can not wait to start my period (I would never normally say this!) because I can't begin taking the meds until I do so to keep things on track for the cycle they need me on. I'm anxious to hear back from Nurse M to give us the absolute GO to continue. As soon as our agency is contacted with the good news that our pre-screening went great then our lawyer will contact us to schedule a meeting soon. We will be expecting to go over every detail with good or bad situations but I will update on what actually happens in our case.

Nervous! I'm not exactly looking forward to giving myself shots although Ben said he would help out with that. I'm hoping for the best and that the meds don't take a huge toll on my body making me feel weak or drained. I've heard man people say they affected them each differently so I hope I am one of those who take well to them.

You Tube - I have saved many links from this website to start up yoga again. I want to continue with zumba as well but I am planning on making the zumba my own mix of things. I don't want to overdue myself especially with taking medications so it will be all my favorite music and however I feel like dancing that day. :) Any movement has to be better than no movement right? I think so!

David - Ben and I have David this week and he will be going back to his mom's house Sunday evening. We plan to fully get our thoughts together and write down exactly how we want to tell David about our surrogacy journey. Some people have explained to me their thoughts and how they see this being hard for David to understand because "he wont be able to see his little brother or sister" ... ??? That threw me off guard a little! I guess some are still not understanding that this baby will absolutely not be related to us in anyway. We will not be going into the conversation with David stating that this is his sibling. I'm not sure how the conversation will go yet but I will definitely be posting a blog for that alone. We will go into this with a special role for David and maybe a nickname for the baby. I think it is extremely important for David to feel included and not left out. We want this to be a great experience for all of us as a family <3

All in all this trip was exactly how we wanted it to turn out! It was a great experience learning about the process we are going through and we can't wait to have things made official in writting! Glad to say that our drive out of the city was such a sigh of relief compared to the drive in! Excited to update you all very soon! Thanks for all your love and support!

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