As far as the basics of surrogacy go I wanted to share a little information so there is no confusion along the way reading our blog. There are two types of surrogates: Traditional and Gestational. Traditional is where the surrogates eggs are used and the child is biologically related to her. Gestational is where the child has absolutely no biological connection to the surrogate and has the genetic makeup of the intended parents, also known as the IP’s. I will be a gestational surrogate (GS)and this baby will only be carried by me, it will not be my baby. Once a surrogate and IP’s meet they then decide whether that surrogate is what they are looking for in a person who will carry their child for them. If they agree to continue on with one another it is a match and the process of surrogacy begins.
Whoa! Where did wanting to be a surrogate come from? Out of left field right? I have developed an interested in the surrogacy process since having my daughter Ava, watching movies about it, and doing a little research here or there but nothing serious. I began reading the blogs of surrogates and started doing even more research getting involved in the process and how things worked. The truth is I cried, every time I read one, hearing these women stories touched me on such a deeper level than I ever thought imaginable. It made me become more interested so I kept reading and moved to the blogs of intended parents through surrogacy. I felt so connected to these people and knew right away that I am meant to be a surrogate. As far as questions and concerns, of course we had plenty of them. We have been very blessed in having a very helpful support group to ask us and to answer any questions we have.
I found that many surrogates were attempting to find IP’s on their own and without guidance. I was fortunate enough to find an amazing agency to represent me and to help be through the process to keep things safe for my family.Ben and I started getting very serious about being surrogate parents and inquired with an application the end of May. We never expected things to work this fast but as of July 1st,we are MATCHED! This past weekend we were able to meet our first couple and it just so happened to be that we were the first surrogate parents they were meeting. It could not have gone more perfect meeting them and hearing their story face to face. After everything they have went through to have their own child and now I am here for them to help and share in their journey.
As surrogate parents we expect a certain degree of difficulty involving many things throughout our journey and will take each challenge one step at a time. We are going into this knowing that this amazing gift involved will not be coming home with us in the end. The emotional attachment and raging feelings will just be a part of the experience and I know that in the end these amazing people get to have the family they have been dreaming of. That alone makes everything well worth it.
Ben and I have made our own decision to have our IP’s be involved during the pregnancy. We understand that not everyone may agree and that is your choice but we choose to see this experience as a positive one and plan on keeping it that way. This blog is for those who are interested or curious and a way for us to be open about our thoughts and feelings.
FAQ’s so far to us:
· “How could you give up your baby?” “I could never give my baby away”
This baby will not be mine to give away and I will only be carrying the baby because my body is the safest alternative to the intended mothers. I am not giving my baby away. I am returning the baby to their loving family and they are going to have a happy life. I feel this is the very opposite of a negative thing and is a very unselfish thing to help another family have a chance to have their own.
· “How much do you get paid?”
This is not something I am willing or able to disclose. I love being pregnant and I am happy to help another deserving family have their own. My take is that no money in the world could ever compensate for such a miracle. If you put into place a full time great jobs annual salary and then a surrogates’ compensation, it doesn’t come close to matching. Let’s face it, being pregnant is a full time job and a year worth commitment after it is all said and done.
“Why do you want to be a surrogate?”
Everyone has the initial question “Why?” and I say Why Not!? I am healthy and have the perfect home for a baby to grow in for a deserving family that dreams of having their own baby. I had a great pregnancy and I am a caring person who loves to make people happy. It is a beautiful thing, it is a way for me to give back in a huge way, and I feel that I am meant to do this. This gives me the ability to make a difference in someone’s life. I love seeing myself in my daughter when I look at her and it feels great knowing I can give that to another family. I am a surrogate mother and I am happy to be one!
Thanks for reading ... Let this blogging journey begin!
That is so beautiful Chelsea. Always knew u were a kind and loving person.
ReplyDeleteI just heard about this yesterday! What an amazing,loving woman you are! You have been blessed in countless ways! I know it could not be done without the support of your loving husband Ben and your family. My wish for you is an easy pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby !
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all the support with this special journey! We are very blessed and extremely excited about his positive experience!