Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our First OB Appointment!

I went in this morning to my OB's office and did the normal signing in routine. They called me back within 10 minutes and there it is right in front of me, my nemesis! Oh Okay, it was just the darn scale but I hate that part of the appointments, lol. I do not own a scale and I don't think I ever will but I think I was traumatized through my pregnancy with Ava by this dang thing. I never thought in a million years it would be possible for me to gain 50 pounds and she definitely proved me wrong, ha! I weighed myself at my mother in laws at the beginning of the pregnancy at 131 pounds. Not to shabby as I ended my pregnancy less than a year ago at 185 pounds. YIKES! I get on the scale, now being 11 weeks pregnant, and 132! Yes! Only up 1 pound woooo hooooo! I also have to admit that the 1 pound gained has to be in the breast area.

The nurse took me into the room and we started talking about the surrogacy and I just get so darn emotional that I almost cried when she said how wonderful it was and how strong I am for doing this. I put my hand up and said we are going to have to stop this conversation before these hormones make me start bawling, hehehe. Lets just say that wasn't the only time I almost broke into tears, I did it again with my OB in the room talking to me about it. My blood pressure is great and my uterus is growing just as it should be. She ( my OB is a woman) searched for a heartbeat with the little mini monitor they have in the patient rooms but she couldn't seem to find one. With the fetus still being little and liking to hide it can sometimes be difficult at this stage. This meant that it was my lucky day and I was going to get to see surro baby on the monitor again. (:

It just so turned out that at the exact time of my appointment they were getting  new ultrasound equipment so E & A's baby had the first little photo shoot while the sonographer learned the new system. I just layed there patiently admiring all the little positions baby was in. It was so crazy to see how big baby has grown and how fast they were moving in there. It almost looked like it was leaping and kicking their little legs in the air after, too cute (: I am just excited I was able to get a few good photos to send to E and A including a 3D. So cool at this stage.

 Mini E & A

 Baby's Profile
3D snuggling (soooo coool)
During the appointment my OB and I discussed how I have been feeling - Great! I am still not having any nausea symptoms but I do keep getting a tiny headache daily and she informed me that it was a hormone headache and that I can take Tylenol. I feel bloated at times but the baby is growing and will be start pushing me outward soon enough. We talked about my emotions so far and I haven't experience anything I didn't with Ava. I cry during shows and sensitive subjects but I'm hormonal so I'm blaming that, ha! I don't feel any type of attachment so far to the baby (even in the ultrasounds) except happiness for E & A. I can't wait for them to finally have what they always dreamed of, their family. I feel a close bond to E especially but that is nothing against A, it is only that I can put myself in E's shoes more easily. It is a hard thing for a woman to except that she can not carry a child and I sympathize for her. I think this journey will be full of emotions but I can only imagine happiness as of right now. I instantly texted her about the appointment and she was happy to hear the baby is growing and healthy. The heartbeat was at a strong 165 and our due date of July 2nd is still right on target!
Next appointment is January 8th. This will be the time to test for any genetic disorders if E & A choose to do so. If not it will be a normal check-up with the heartbeat to hear.
How is the family? Everyone is still super supportive and full of questions but I always love talking about it so that doesn't bother me. David hasn't been asking questions recently but I think he is just accepting of anything Ben and I decide to do. I'm sure once I get to the point where I'm showing surro baby will get brought up more in topic with him but for right now it still seems pretty surreal.
Until next time loves!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Morning Sickness! Ugh!

I seriously can NOT believe it has been 20 days since my last post! I bet everyone is wondering what the heck is going on! To be honest, I have had absolutely NO interest in blogging these past 2 weeks and I tried so hard to focus and write but I was not feeling it at all. I usually save drafts on things that happen so I know not to forget to write about it and I have a list full on here that all my readers should have been updated on forever ago! I do apologize but here is the scoop! (:

The last post I wrote was our 3rd ultrasound. We will not be scheduled any more ultrasounds at this point but we start our routine OB appointments, Yayyyyy!!!! I am actually super stoked about this because now I will get to talk to my doctor about what to expect and start to prepare for all the emotions leading up to the birth and even after the birth. There is really no way to really prepare for that sort of things because I am going to be emotional but it will be nice to have my OB there to not judge and understand.

Our first OB appointment is December 11th -----> Ya I know, in 2 dayssssss!!!! Just makes me realize how fast things are going already and I need to write more (: The appointments will continue to be local just we are just blocks away from the hospital, which is wonderful! :) E and A will still not be attending as of right now but as the baby gets bigger I'm sure they will want to be there!

Other News that I am ecstatic about!!!!! I am officially DONE with all medications as of December 7th! YES! No more suppositories, No more suppositories, Did I mention No more suppositories?! He He He. I will be taking prenatal vitamins for the remainder of the pregnancy and that is it. (: I am very happy about this but my body on the other hand, has not been so thrilled with the changes :(

Feeling Like BLAH! These past two weeks have been THE WORST! I have been so sick to my stomach, NO appetite, just pure exhausted (even after doing nothing). I have not vomited because I do everything in my power to avoid it. I find myself running into the bathroom, putting my arms above my head, and taking the deepest breaths possible. I have managed to not throw up once so I can be thankful for that. I can sleep 9 hours and feel like I haven't slept at all. Ben is working a ton of hours so if I don't work that day, I have both kids all day. The way his schedule works for now is 10-10, right in the middle of our day. I'M EXHAUSTED! I've been napping like crazy during the day and I have had no motivation to do anything. I cried the other night alone just thinking that I want my old self back! I cry to the weirdest things (Say Yes to the Dress, Cinderella, or for no reason at all) Ha! I know it is so lame! I had been having the craziest dreams to, as strange as being chased around Red Lobster with the live lobsters in the tanks! Horrifying I know! hehehe

Thankfully I am glad to announce that these past few days have been a blessing! I have had no nausea (knock on wood), the 4 day headache I had is gone, and I am finally starting to feel like I am back. I mean I'm blogging aren't I? It has to be a good sign! I still like my mid-day naps but I feel like my energy is slightly returning to where I feel half way descent waking up. We had our son's birthday party today and actually had the courage to invite his classmates. It all turned out wonderful and I am glad I was feeling up for the 7 year old birthday party challenge.

At Home - Ben and I are still looking for a house to buy and unfortunately nothing has come up worth while but we are keeping our faith that things will work out when the time is right. Christmas shopping has consumed me the past couple weeks although I dreaded every minute due to the awful headaches I was getting. I'm happy to say we are done shopping for birthdays and Christmas but the party planning is still continuing. Ben and I are so lucky (NOT) to have both of our children's birthdays in December along with Christmas. We are planning a 1 year party for our daughter Ava after the first of the year since she didn't grace us with her presence until the 28th, right in between Christmas and New Years. Let us just say that we are having a busy month for sure! (:

What we've been up to ;) We made our Christmas tree this year since our space is limited and Ava would not do good with a tree at this age. Here are some photos (: Don't mind me in my work clothes, ha!
Ta Da! Our Buczynski Tree! (:

Fantastic News! I will be officially graduated with my Associates Degree in 1 week! I know it has seemed like forever but I am glad things have worked out the way they have. I have been going to school part-time while working full-time and being a wife/mother. It has taking me 4 years of going but I have NO student loans and I am soooooo proud to have accomplished this on my own. I will be a college graduate and I will continue to go to school for physical therapy. Things for Ben and I are better than ever and we are so happy with how things are laying into place. We truly could not have done it without all of our friends and family. They have helped us so much with the kids and supporting us 100%. Now I better stop before I start crying again, hehehe.

I promise to post more often now that I seem to be feeling better and hope this darn morning sickness was only a 2 week fling because it is no longer welcome! (:

Oh Gosh, more water works as I just opened a card from E and A (It has a little black pug dog on the front for their puppy O) Sooo Cute! "Dear Chelsea, This is definitely no hallmark card for what I want to say! There are no words to describe our appreciation for all that you are doing for us. On top of just being a surrogate, you are the sweetest, most thoughtful person. You always make me feel better with your texts and words of encouragement. I truly admire how you balance all that you do -- work, school, mommy, and now this! We wish you the happiest and healthiest of holidays and new year! Love, E, A, & O (our puppy) :)"  Seriously!!!! I am soooo darn emotional!!!! I love them so much!
